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Apktool Roblox Blox Fruit: How to Unlock All the Fruits and Powers


What is apktool and how to use it for Android app modding?

If you are an Android user who loves to customize your apps, you might have heard of a tool called apktool. Apktool is a powerful tool that can be used for reverse engineering Android applications resources (APK). It can help you to decompile, modify, and recompile APK files without needing the source code. You can use it to change app icons, images, sounds, layouts, strings, permissions, features, activities, and more. You can also use it to learn how Android apps work and how they are structured.

apktool roblox blox fruit

In this article, we will show you how to use apktool for Android app modding, especially for one of the most popular games on Roblox, Blox Fruits. Blox Fruits is a game where you can become a master swordsman or a powerful blox fruit user as you train to become the strongest player ever. You can choose from various blox fruits that grant you different abilities, such as fire, ice, gravity, rubber, etc. You can also explore different islands, fight against enemies and bosses, and join factions.

By using apktool, you can hack Blox Fruits and get unlimited blox fruits, unlock all abilities, customize your character appearance, and more. However, you should also be aware of the risks involved in using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding, such as malware infection, account ban, or legal issues. Therefore, you should always use apktool responsibly and ethically.

How to install and set up apktool on your device?

Before you can use apktool for Android app modding, you need to install and set up apktool on your device. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Download the latest version of from the official website. You will get a file named apktool.jar.

  • Download the latest version of from the official website. You will need Java to run apktool on your device.

  • Create a folder named apktool on your device and copy the apktool.jar file into it.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt on your device and navigate to the apktool folder.

  • Type the following command to install apktool: java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk. This will install the framework files that are needed for decompiling and recompiling APK files.

  • You have successfully installed and set up apktool on your device. You can now use it for Android app modding.

How to decompile and recompile APK files with apktool?

After installing and setting up apktool, you can use it to decompile and recompile APK files. Decompiling means converting an APK file into a folder that contains the app resources, such as images, sounds, layouts, strings, etc. Recompiling means converting the folder back into an APK file that can be installed on your device. Here are the steps to decompile and recompile APK files with apktool:

  • Download the APK file of the app that you want to mod. For example, you can download the APK file of Roblox Blox Fruits from .

  • Copy the APK file into the apktool folder on your device.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt on your device and navigate to the apktool folder.

  • Type the following command to decompile the APK file: java -jar apktool.jar d name-of-the-apk-file.apk. For example, if the APK file is named Blox-Fruits.apk, type java -jar apktool.jar d Blox-Fruits.apk. This will create a folder named Blox-Fruits that contains the app resources.

  • You can now modify the app resources as you wish. You can use any text editor or image editor to edit the files in the folder.

  • After modifying the app resources, type the following command to recompile the folder into an APK file: java -jar apktool.jar b name-of-the-folder. For example, if the folder is named Blox-Fruits, type java -jar apktool.jar b Blox-Fruits. This will create a new APK file named Blox-Fruits/dist/Blox-Fruits.apk.

  • You have successfully decompiled and recompiled an APK file with apktool. You can now install the new APK file on your device and enjoy the modded app.

How to modify APK resources with apktool?

Now that you know how to decompile and recompile APK files with apktool, you might be wondering how to modify the app resources with apktool. There are many things that you can do with apktool, such as changing app icons, images, sounds, layouts, strings, permissions, features, activities, and more. In this section, we will show you some examples of how to modify APK resources with apktool.

How to change app icons, images, and sounds?

If you want to change the app icons, images, or sounds of an app, you need to locate the files that contain them in the decompiled folder. Usually, these files are stored in the /res/drawable-*, /res/mipmap-*, or /res/raw subfolders. The files are named according to their purpose and resolution. For example, the app icon file might be named /res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png.

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To change these files, you need to replace them with new files that have the same name and format. You can use any image editor or sound editor to create or edit these files. For example, if you want to change the app icon of Roblox Blox Fruits, you can replace the /res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png file with a new PNG file that has your desired icon. Make sure that the new file has the same resolution and size as the original file.

After replacing these files, you need to recompile the folder into an APK file and install it on your device. You will see that the app icons, images, or sounds have changed according to your modifications.

How to edit app manifest, layout, and strings?

If you If you want to edit the app manifest, layout, and strings of an app, you need to locate the files that contain them in the decompiled folder. Usually, these files are stored in the /AndroidManifest.xml, /res/layout-*, or /res/values-* subfolders. The files are XML files that define the app metadata, user interface, and text resources.

To edit these files, you need to use a text editor that can handle XML syntax. You can change the values or attributes of the elements in the files according to your needs. For example, if you want to edit the app name of Roblox Blox Fruits, you can edit the /res/values/strings.xml file and change the value of the app_name string to your desired name.

After editing these files, you need to recompile the folder into an APK file and install it on your device. You will see that the app manifest, layout, or strings have changed according to your modifications.

How to add or remove app permissions, features, and activities?

If you want to add or remove app permissions, features, or activities of an app, you need to edit the /AndroidManifest.xml file in the decompiled folder. This file contains the information about the app components, such as permissions, features, activities, services, receivers, providers, etc.

To add or remove app permissions, features, or activities, you need to use a text editor that can handle XML syntax. You can add or delete the elements that correspond to the app components that you want to modify. For example, if you want to add a permission to access the internet for Roblox Blox Fruits, you can add the following element in the /AndroidManifest.xml file: .

After editing the /AndroidManifest.xml file, you need to recompile the folder into an APK file and install it on your device. You will see that the app permissions, features, or activities have changed according to your modifications.

How to use apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding?

Now that you know how to modify APK resources with apktool, you might be wondering how to use apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding. Roblox Blox Fruits is one of the most popular games on Roblox, where you can become a master swordsman or a powerful blox fruit user as you train to become the strongest player ever. You can choose from various blox fruits that grant you different abilities, such as fire, ice, gravity, rubber, etc. You can also explore different islands, fight against enemies and bosses, and join factions.

By using apktool, you can hack Roblox Blox Fruits and get unlimited blox fruits, unlock all abilities, customize your character appearance, and more. In this section, we will show you some examples of how to use apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding.

How to get unlimited Blox Fruits with apktool?

If you want to get unlimited blox fruits with apktool If you want to get unlimited blox fruits with apktool, you need to hack the game data that stores the information about your blox fruits inventory. This data is stored in a file named game.dat in the decompiled folder. You can use a text editor or a hex editor to edit this file.

To find the game.dat file, you need to navigate to the /assets/data subfolder in the decompiled folder. You will see a file named game.dat that has a size of about 4 KB. This file contains the game data in a binary format.

To edit the game.dat file, you need to use a hex editor that can handle binary files. You can use any hex editor of your choice, such as .

To get unlimited blox fruits with apktool, you need to change the values of the bytes that correspond to your blox fruits inventory. These bytes are located at the offset 0x000001F0 in the game.dat file. Each byte represents a different blox fruit, and the value of the byte represents the quantity of that blox fruit. For example, the byte at offset 0x000001F0 represents the Flame-Flame Fruit, and the value of that byte represents how many Flame-Flame Fruits you have.

To change the values of these bytes, you need to enter the hexadecimal value of the desired quantity in the hex editor. For example, if you want to have 99 Flame-Flame Fruits, you need to enter 63 (the hexadecimal value of 99) at offset 0x000001F0. You can use this to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

You can repeat this process for any blox fruit that you want to have unlimited quantity of. You can use this table to find the offset and name of each blox fruit:

Offset Name --- --- 0x000001F0 Flame-Flame Fruit 0x000001F1 Ice-Ice Fruit 0x000001F2 Quake-Quake Fruit 0x000001F3 Dark-Dark Fruit 0x000001F4 Light-Light Fruit 0x000001F5 Rubber-Rubber Fruit 0x000001F6 Barrier-Barrier Fruit 0x000001F7 Magma-Magma Fruit 0x000001F8 String-String Fruit 0x000001F9 Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit 0x000001FA Rumble-Rumble Fruit 0x000001FB Sand-Sand Fruit 0x000001FC Chop-Chop Fruit 0x000001FD Gravity-Gravity Fruit 0x000001FE Human-Human: Buddha Fruit 0x000001FF Paw-Paw Fruit After changing the values of these bytes, you need to save the game.dat file and recompile the folder into an APK file. You can then install the new APK file on your device and enjoy having unlimited blox fruits with apktool.

How to unlock all Blox Fruits abilities with apktool?

If you want to unlock all Blox Fruits abilities with apktool, you need to hack the game data that stores the information about your blox fruits mastery. This data is stored in a file named mastery.dat in the decompiled folder. You can use a text editor or a hex editor to edit this file.

To find the mastery.dat file, you need to navigate to the /assets/data subfolder in the decompiled folder. You will see a file named mastery.dat that has a size of about 4 KB. This file contains the game data in a binary format.

To edit the mastery.dat file, you need to use a hex editor that can handle binary files. You can use any hex editor of your choice, such as .

To unlock all Blox Fruits abilities with apktool, you need to change the values of the bytes that correspond to your blox fruits mastery. These bytes are located at the offset 0x00000010 in the mastery.dat file. Each byte represents a different blox fruit, and the value of the byte represents the mastery level of that blox fruit. For example, the byte at offset 0x00000010 represents the Flame-Flame Fruit, and the value of that byte represents how much mastery you have for the Flame-Flame Fruit.

To change the values of these bytes, you need to enter the hexadecimal value of the desired mastery level in the hex editor. For example, if you want to have 100% mastery for the Flame-Flame Fruit, you need to enter FF (the hexadecimal value of 255) at offset 0x00000010. You can use this to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

You can repeat this process for any blox fruit that you want to have 100% mastery of. You can use this table to find the offset and name of each blox fruit:

Offset Name --- --- 0x00000010 Flame-Flame Fruit 0x00000011 Ice-Ice Fruit 0x00000012 Quake-Quake Fruit 0x00000013 Dark-Dark Fruit 0x00000014 Light-Light Fruit 0x00000015 Rubber-Rubber Fruit 0x00000016 Barrier-Barrier Fruit 0x00000017 Magma-Magma Fruit 0x00000018 String-String Fruit 0x00000019 Phoenix-Phoenix Fruit 0x0000001A Rumble-Rumble Fruit 0x0000001B Sand-Sand Fruit 0x0000001C Chop-Chop Fruit 0x0000001D Gravity-Gravity Fruit 0x0000001E Human-Human: Buddha Fruit 0x0000001F Paw-Paw Fruit After changing the values of these bytes, you need to save the mastery.dat file and recompile the folder into an APK file. You can then install the new APK file on your device and enjoy having all Blox Fruits abilities with apktool.

How to customize your character appearance with apktool?

If you want to customize your character appearance with apktool, you need to hack the game data that stores the information about your character look. This data is stored in a file named character.dat in the decompiled folder. You can use a text editor or a hex editor to edit this file.

To find the character.dat file, you need to navigate to the /assets/data subfolder in the decompiled folder. You will see a file named character.dat that has a size of about 4 KB. This file contains the game data in a binary format.

To edit the character.dat file, you need to use a hex editor that can handle binary files. You can use any hex editor of your choice, such as .

To customize your character appearance with apktool, you need to change the values of the bytes that correspond to your character look. These bytes are located at various offsets in the character.dat file. Each byte represents a different aspect of your character look, such as hair color, eye color, skin color, clothing color, etc. For example, the byte at offset 0x00000100 represents your hair color, and the value of that byte represents the RGB code of your hair color.

To change the values of these bytes, you need to enter the hexadecimal value of the desired color code in the hex editor. For example, if you want to have red hair, you need to enter FF000 0 (the hexadecimal value of the RGB code for red) at offset 0x00000100. You can use this to convert RGB codes to hexadecimal codes.

You can repeat this process for any aspect of your character look that you want to customize. You can use this table to find the offset and name of each aspect of your character look:

Offset Name --- --- 0x00000100 Hair color 0x00000101 Eye color 0x00000102 Skin color 0x00000103 Shirt color 0x00000104 Pants color 0x00000105 Shoes color 0x00000106 Hat color 0x00000107 Accessory color After changing the values of these bytes, you need to save the character.dat file and recompile the folder into an APK file. You can then install the new APK file on your device and enjoy having a customized character appearance with apktool.

What are the benefits and risks of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding?

Using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be risky and dangerous. You should always weigh the pros and cons of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding before you decide to do so. Here are some of the benefits and risks of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding:

Benefits of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding

Some of the benefits of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding are:

  • You can enhance your gameplay experience by getting unlimited blox fruits, unlocking all abilities, customizing your character appearance, and more.

  • You can unleash your creativity by creating your own mods or modifying existing ones according to your preferences.

  • You can learn more about Android app development and reverse engineering by using apktool and understanding how APK files work.

Risks of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding

Some of the risks of using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding are:

  • You can expose your device to malware or viruses by downloading or installing modded APK files from untrusted sources.

  • You can get banned from Roblox or Blox Fruits by violating their terms of service or cheating in the game.

  • You can face legal issues by infringing the intellectual property rights or privacy rights of the app developers or owners.


In conclusion, apktool is a powerful tool that can be used for Android app modding, especially for Roblox Blox Fruits. You can use it to decompile, modify, and recompile APK files without needing the source code. You can use it to change app icons, images, sounds, layouts, strings, permissions, features, activities, and more. You can also use it to hack Roblox Blox Fruits and get unlimited blox fruits, unlock all abilities, customize your character appearance, and more.

However, you should also be aware of the risks involved in using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding, such as malware infection, account ban, or legal issues. Therefore, you should always use apktool responsibly and ethically. You should also respect the rights and efforts of the app developers and owners. You should only use apktool for personal and educational purposes, and not for commercial or malicious purposes.

If you want to learn more about apktool and how to use it for Android app modding, you can visit the official website of or check out some of the online tutorials or forums that are available on the internet. You can also share your feedback or questions about apktool or Roblox Blox Fruits modding in the comment section below. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. Happy modding!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about apktool and Roblox Blox Fruits modding:

  • What is an APK file?

An APK file is a file format that is used to distribute and install Android applications on Android devices. It stands for Android Package Kit. It contains all the app resources, such as images, sounds, layouts, strings, etc., as well as the app code, such as Java classes, native libraries, etc. An APK file can be opened with an APK extractor or a zip file manager.

  • What is Roblox Blox Fruits?

Roblox Blox Fruits is a game on Roblox, a platform where you can create and play games online. Roblox Blox Fruits is a game where you can become a master swordsman or a powerful blox fruit user as you train to become the strongest player ever. You can choose from various blox fruits that grant you different abilities, such as fire, ice, gravity, rubber, etc. You can also explore different islands, fight against enemies and bosses, and join factions.

  • What are the requirements for using apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding?

To use apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding, you need to have the following requirements:

  • An Android device that is rooted or has an unlocked bootloader.

  • A computer that has Java installed.

  • The latest version of apktool downloaded from the official website.

  • The APK file of Roblox Blox Fruits downloaded from a trusted source.

  • A text editor or a hex editor that can handle XML and binary files.

  • An image editor or a sound editor that can handle PNG and WAV files.

  • How to update apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding?

To update apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding, you need to download the latest version of apktool from the official website and replace the old apktool.jar file with the new one in the apktool folder on your device. You also need to update the framework files by running the command java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk in the terminal or command prompt. You should always use the latest version of apktool for Roblox Blox Fruits modding to avoid any errors or compatibility issues.

  • How to uninstall apktool from your device?

To uninstall apktool from your device, you need to delete the apktool folder and all its contents from your device. You also need to uninstall any modded APK files that you have installed on your device. You should always uninstall apktool from your device if you no longer want to use it for Android app modding or if you encounter any problems with it.


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